
Cap Garland's Irish Mail Order Bride

Book cover of Louisa by Lorena Dove, of woman looking back over her shoulder
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Three friends are in love with Cap Garland, the most eligible bachelor in Springvale, South Dakota.

Only one is his true mail-order bride.


As the town midwife, widow Louisa Garland is preparing to deliver Springvale’s newest baby. Her young assistant, Allison Simms, is not too proper to ask questions of the young widow — questions that bring up a painful past. In an impetuous moment, Louisa had answered a mail-order bride ad from Edmond "Cap" Garland, only to travel with her friend and a stowaway and find themselves all three in love with him. Can Louisa give him up for the sake of her best friend?

Bill McNeil once promised Louisa he would come for her whenever she called on him. She hasn’t taken him up on his offer, but 5 years after Cap’s death, is it too late to try now?

Cap Garland, town hero and real-life friend of Laura Ingalls Wilder, died tragically at the age of 26 in 1891. What if Cap had actually been married?

A wonderful, clean love story.

This is a delightful book! It has a lot of great action and is actually multiple love stories. It is very well written and clean! The characters are well developed and if they were here today, you would be proud to have them as friends! - Reader Sharon Hass on Amazon

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